Podcast – Matt Ridley and Bjorn Lomborg

The Spectator podcast interviews Matt Ridley and Bjorn Lomborg. At a mere 20 minutes, it might seem a bit of a missed opportunity, but it’s very focused and at the end it’s revealed that it’s only the first part in a series of Spectator podcasts with Lord Ridley and Lomborg.

Additions: part two and part three of this mini-series of podcasts.

Andrew Roberts on the Anglosphere as a new bloc

An optimistic suggestion in the The Wall Street Journal “It’s Time To Revive The Anglosphere” says the historian Andrew Roberts. It never went away, informally and in terms of “soft power”, but what he’s talking about is a far tighter, organised bloc working at a variety of integrated levels.

Nice idea, but awful name. He suggests we call a union of the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand the “CANZUK Union”. Presumably thus would then be pronounced with great venom by other nations as “Can Suck”, with its unfortunate slang connotations and also its close similarity in pronunciation to the word “cancer”. “Union” also has ugly connotations under the surface, being a word long sullied by bolshy trades-unions and the EU.

The upbeat BRITZCAN would be best but would be rejected by those outside the UK as putting “Brit” first and thus implying superiority. ENGBLOC sounds too Stalinist, like something out of Orwell’s novel 1984. It probably needs something else. How about just the mellifluous… “Anglosphere”?