Listen to Archishop Brand…

Well, I had idly thought that the Church of England had very sensibly gone very quiet on political matters. And that they were just getting on with the job down at the grassroots. But no, the apparent silence just shows how well insulated I am, despite skimming a zillion RSS feeds each day.

Because I see the UK’s nominally conservative newspaper Daily Telegraph is today filled with letters re: “Justin Welby’s political salvoes set him at odds with public opinion”. One link for which slipped through to my RSS feeds, because it contained the word Staffordshire. So it seems the current Archbishop of Canterbury is being just as bolshy as his maudlin predecessor. Thankfully I don’t have to hear it.

Much better listening, I would say, is a new Long Now podcast on a new biography of the venerable Stewart Brand, Whole Earth: The Many Lives of Stewart Brand. Available now.

The podcast intro ends at 1:55 minutes. Stewart himself takes part in the fascinating conversation.